- Holly Chuang, SEPSomatic Experiencing Practitioner
Holly is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) who facilitates healing by accessing the body’s nervous system and allowing the completion of physiological responses stuck in the body. Her interest
came from working with first- and second-generation immigrants navigating family conflicts. Clients trust Holly for her sensitivity to both traditional values and modern realities. Religious clients also find Holly for integrated spiritual guidance. Clients who are seeking to heal from burnout and loneliness in ministry, disillusionment in racial conciliation, or division in their religious community are particularly encouraged to set an appointment. Somatic Experiencing sessions can create a space to physiologically heal the betrayal of narcissistic leadership and the shame that protected its secrecy. Holly is honored to journey alongside clients who want to grow, allowing what must be deconstructed to be reconstructed. Dismantled to be replaced. Die to be resurrected.Office locations
Holly currently holds all sessions online.
Phone: (734) 489-1940Areas of Practice
Somatic Experiencing
Languages Spoken
Limited Mandarin
Insurance Plans Not Accepted
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