Community of Asian-American Therapists in Chicagoland
Giving voice to mental health issues that have been silenced in our culture.
If you are Asian American, you have a unique identity and story that is likely filled with sources of delight and joy, as well as deep pain.
CAATCH exists to provide you with resources that will move you toward wellness, resilience, a fuller life, and richer relationships.
Your story is important. Don't hesitate to reach out to a counselor who gets the nuances of your struggles.
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From Our Recommended Resources Page
The Best We Could Do: An Illustrated Memoir
Thi Bui (Author)
"This illustrated memoir is about the search for a better future and a longing for the past. Exploring the anguish of immigration and the lasting effects that displacement has on a child and her family, Bui documents the story of her family’s daring escape after the fall of South Vietnam in the 1970s, and the difficulties they faced building new lives for themselves.
"At the heart of Bui’s story is a universal struggle: While adjusting to life as a first-time mother, she ultimately discovers what it means to be a parent—the endless sacrifices, the unnoticed gestures, and the depths of unspoken love. Despite how impossible it seems to take on the simultaneous roles of both parent and child, Bui pushes through."Series of 5 episodes currently available on Amazon Prime
This website is for informational and referral purposes only. The appearance of any therapist on this website should not be seen as a recommendation. We do not license, endorse, or recommend any particular provider, nor do we make any judgment about the quality of services provided. CAATCH does not guarantee the accuracy of the information concerning the content at this site or any sites we link. CAATCH is not a group practice and the responsibility for selecting a provider resides with each individual.
© 2018 by CAATCH